Sábado 8 de Mayo de 2021 11:00 A.M. (PST USA) 13:00 P.M. (Centro de México)

From the Small coast of Guerrero, the Garcia sisters will share with us a beautiful bolero show created especially to make a great and heartfelt tribute to those wonderful beings: mothers. Join us in this magnificent virtual presentation. Las hermanas García Celia (first voice) and Laura (second voice, guitar) are daughters of the composer Eugenia Santiago Chacón. They make up the duet Las Hermanas García, led musically by his father, Mariano García, a virtuoso performer of the requinto and arranger. They sing boleros, pasodobles, chilenas, waltzes, bambucos and rancheras in the exploration of the repertoire of Álvaro Carrillo, Indalecio Ramírez and other cultivators of sentimental couplets with a coastal aroma. Ingrese al evento/Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81251976525?pwd=WUp4TUFLblVUd29kQUg2UmJMYmswQT09 Meeting ID: 812 5197 6525 Contraseña/Passcode: 758669